Dear Wife, You Can Trust Him

God is not a man that he may lie, or a son of man that he might change his mind…
(Num 23:19)

I struggle with these words. 

You see, I have trust issues. I loved a man who lied & changed his mind and It made me question everyone in my life. Are they being honest? Will they leave too?

And when I look to God, it’s nearly impossible to not sling the same questions at him. 
God, are you lying to me? Are you going to walk away too?

Raised fists rarely point toward soft hearts. 

And I want a soft heart so badly. I don’t want to close myself off to God & others because I am afraid. What a miserable & lonely cage that would lock me into. I want to have a heart that trusts and chooses to love without restraint. 

So how do we get there?  

Dear Wife, we rest ourselves on our unchanging God. We fix our feet on his promises fulfilled—the ones in his Word and the ones in our own lives. We look at his track record & his nature. We ask for his help. I think he loves the prayer, I believe! Help my unbelief! We start by being honest with our doubts and fears. 

Is this easy or a quick fix? Nope. This is hard, heart level work. But we are not alone in it. We have God’s Spirit within us, and he will lead us to truth & trust. He will be our Counselor & our Teacher, reminding us of God’s promises (John 14). 

The outcome of this heart work is fresh trust. And isn’t that what we really want in the end? We want to be women with faces set like flint on our good and unchanging God. We don’t want to be tossed & swayed by emotions and fear. 

So today, let’s do the work. Let’s plant our feet on solid ground. Let’s remember that it’s impossible for God to speak & not act, to promise & not fulfill. Let’s look back at our history & see that he has never failed. Let’s open his Word & dig for promises like buried treasure (Prov 2:1-6). Let’s allow our reasons to trust to be shaped by God rather than our ex-husbands. He is unchanging & worthy of our absolute trust today.


Dear Church, She Needs the Full Counsel of God’s Word


HE IS…Unchanging