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HE IS…Unchanging

Sometimes the ground beneath my feet feels impossibly fragile–like a sheet of glass. One misstep and the whole thing might crack. And life feels all the more vulnerable when the calendar flips to a new year. Can I actually go another round? Will my burdens weigh down so much that cracks begin to form beneath me? I feel wobbly in January. My rhythm is upended, my to-do list grows and the shouts of NEW GOALS, NEW RESOLVES, WHOLE NEW ME deafen. It all feels a bit too much, doesn’t it?

I survived 2024. And if you’re reading this, you did too. It was my hardest and most painful year yet. I was so ready to see it end. But when my eyes opened on January 1st, the unsteadiness of life was still lingering. Will we be ok in 2025? Will we face so much loss again? Will my income be enough to pay the bills? Will sorrow and suffering still linger? Will we have enough? 

Do you feel these things too? This sense that the world is spinning and nothing feels steady. All the what-ifs! Goodness, they are heavy. 

So where can we land in the midst of the swirl and rush? Because we need somewhere to land. We cannot live in the depths of the swirling sea. 

Let’s choose to look down and see the truth. We are not standing on sheets of glass. We are firmly settled on the Rock of Ages. He is steady. He is firm. He is unchanging. 

Where the world sways and stutters, God stands firm. He is our safe place to land. The ground of His promises and nature is planted in eternity. He does not shift. He does not falter. He will not change His mind midcourse. The safest and surest place we can plant our feet–plant our very lives–is on Jesus Christ. He is the same yesterday, today and forever (Heb 13:8). 

Speak to your heart today. Remind her of truth. You are standing on a firm and steady foundation. The waves may swirl above, around, beside, but we will not be swept away. Christ is our anchor in the storm. He is unchanged, unchanging, unchangeable. Rest yourself on Him, friends. He is safe ground.

When all around my soul gives way,
he then is all my hope and stay. 

On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand:
all other ground is sinking sand;
all other ground is sinking sand.