Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope:

Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.
 They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
 I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.”

Lamentations 3:21-24

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Ask Anything: Silent Friends

Some friends have gone silent and seem to be avoiding me & it hurts. Did this happen to you?

Oh, this is a hard one. Yes this happened to me, and yes it hurt. My heart is with you.

Here’s the thing—I truly believe that your friends are not trying to avoid or ignore you. My guess is they don’t know what to say or do—to the point that it’s paralyzed them and now they feel it’s too late, so they step back to avoid making things worse. 

How do I know? Well, this has been me before, and probably you too?

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LET'S TALK ABOUT Rachel Setliffe LET'S TALK ABOUT Rachel Setliffe

Let’s Talk About…Tears

If Jesus can bear eternally the weight of my sin, guilt, and shame, then surely he can carry the weight of my tears. He already carried and paid for the biggest burden I could ever carry when he paid for my sin on the cross. If he is strong enough to save me to the uttermost, then he is CERTAINLY strong enough to bear my daily burdens (Psalm 68:19).

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LET'S TALK ABOUT Rachel Setliffe LET'S TALK ABOUT Rachel Setliffe

Let’s Talk About Memories

It happens all the time, doesn’t it? We are going about our business & all of a sudden a memory is triggered. When you’ve walked through abandonment & betrayal at the hands of your spouse, these triggered memories can be intruders, forcing their way to the forefront of your mind.

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LET'S TALK ABOUT Rachel Setliffe LET'S TALK ABOUT Rachel Setliffe

Let’s Talk About Bitterness

A rot began to spread. Hatred, anger, disbelief stretched and festered in my heart. Death was still there, waging war against my heart. I had become a prisoner. I was buried in ache and pain. Bitterness was coursing through my veins— a deadly rot was overtaking my heart.

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